The value of the Dinar is at an all time low. You can currently buy 1 Million Dinar for less than $1000 US. (Please note that the value of the Dinar has risen since the creation of this site, and will continue to rise, therefore, 1 Million Dinars may/may not be less than $1000 US anymore). Look at the table below for a potential value comparison.
Potential value increase of 1 Million New Iraqi Dinars
Many believe that the Dinar has the potential to go higher than even its old exchange rate once Iraq gets their oil production back up to its full capacity.
***For less than $1000 you could be a potential millionaire!***
Iraq has the second largest crude oil reserves (to Saudi Arabia) and the largest natural gas reserves in the world. Since Saudi Arabia is being pushed to its production limits by the demand from the US and now China and India, the next logical choice is Iraq.
The US Government has invested over 200 Billion dollars into the future of Iraq so far. They have committed another 18 Billion dollars in Reconstruction Aid. With the infrastructure of Iraq being rebuilt, it seems highly likely that Iraq will be a wealthy country again in the not so distant future.
Still not convinced? Check out the following articles from credible sources by clicking on the links below:
USA Today - Money Section
Economy in Iraq grows - New Iraqi Dinar gains value against the US dollar
Bullish on Bagdad - Wall Street Journal Op Piece - 4/11/2006
"The new Iraqi Dinar, the official currency introduced in July 2003,has become stable and unifying presence in the economy of Iraq...Some foreigners, however, are already bullish on Iraq. In fact, United States and other coalition forces serving in Iraq are betting on an economically successful future for Baghdad. Many American troops are putting their money into purchasing the New Iraqi Dinar in hopes that a secure and prosperous Iraq will emerge. The fact that they are already not paid enough for the work they do and that they are using their hard-earned pay checks and intimate knowledge of the Iraqi environment to purchase a share of Iraq's future speaks volumes about the potential forth coming significant economic expansion in Iraq. Perharps the not-too distant future will teach the impatient that, with time, large returns can come from a substantial investment"
Iraq deemed world's greatest oil prospect
"Iraq is the greatest oil prospect in the world, with huge undeveloped oil fields and enough reserves to meet the world's needs for many years. Iraqi oil production could exceed output from Saudi Arabia".
The Winning Side
Iraq's economy has doubled since the end of the war, the Iraqi economy is projected to grow another 16.8% in 2006
A great discussion by the White House about the New Iraqi Dinar
This is a great forum which investors ask Hugh Tant questions about the New Iraqi Dinar. Hugh is the Director of the ongoing Iraqi Currency Exchange
Bank Introductions
This is another great article which outlines the strength and potential of Iraq an how buying the New Iraqi Dinar can be a great investment for you
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